You made an agreement with your parents (or spouse, partner,


You made an agreement with your parents (or spouse, partner, relative, or friend) that you would submit a report at this time describing the progress you have made toward your educational goal (employment, certificate, or degree).

Your Task. In memo format (several templates can be found in Word) write a progress report that fulfills your promise to describe your progress toward your educational goal. Address your progress report to your parents, spouse, partner, relative, or friend. In your memo (a) describe your goal; (b) summarize the work you have completed thus far; (c) discuss thoroughly the work currently in progress, including your successes and anticipated obstacles; and (d) forecast your future activities in relation to your scheduled completion date.

The memo should be in narrative form. You will be assessed on your ability to organize your information, your ability to get your message across, and your grasp of the English language. Keep in mind that business writing is purposeful, concise, audience oriented, and usually informative.

This memo should be formatted as follows:

  • Left and right margins should be 1.25”
  • Font should be Arial 12 pt.
  • Standard spacing (double space guidewords and single space body of memo)
  • Length should be no more than 2 pages
  • Headings/subheadings should be used as appropriate to the memo content
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