Complete assignment | Criminal homework help

So far, most of you have a solid topic to start moving forward with your literature review. Some of you may need to narrow things down just a bit based on the feedback I’ll give you when your assignments are graded. Your next step is to find at least EIGHT peer-reviewed journal articles or books, six of which must have been published since 2005. Once you have found your eight sources, you will need to create a bibliography. You are REQUIRED to use American Psychological Association style. Second, you will need to define your DEPENDENT VARIABLE. The dependent variable is the thing that is being affected or changed, and is usually called an “outcome”. Here are some examples based on different topics relevant to this course:

  • I am interested in the effect of parental incarceration on child’s educational attainment. In this case, the dependent variable, or the thing that is being affected, is child’s educational attainment.
  • I am interested in the relationship between political party in control of congress (democrat, republican) and its effect on national incarceration policy (lets says rehabilitation preference versus retribution preference). The dependent variable is national incarceration policy.
  • I am interested in the relationship between gender of corrections officers and its effect on sexual assault on female inmates. In this case the dependent variable or outcome is sexual assault rates among female inmates.

*Please note that your dependent variables should all be the same or very close for each article!!! This is just a check to see that you are picking relevant articles on the same topic.

  1. Provide a list of your EIGHT academic sources in APA bibliographic style. You may, of course, include the two that you used for your first assignment in the eight. (16 points)
  2. Provide a list of your DEPENDENT VARIABLES for EACH article/book. (4 points)  

APA style is required for this assignment. I reserve the right to deduct 1/2 point for each citation that is incorrect (that is a lot so take this seriously!). Please use the Purdue Owl website for formatting tips for using APA:

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