Hum 111 week 1 discussion


Week 1 Discussion Option A
“Myths in Neolithic Cultures Around the Globe” Please respond to the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response:
• Describe the functions of ancient myths, using examples from two (2) different neolithic cultures, and comment on whether myth is inherently fictional. Using modern examples, discuss ways modern belief systems, secular or religious, function for modern cultures in a similar fashion.
Neolithic societies and myths
• Chapter 1 (pp. 6-8. 18-23, 29), myths in prehistory and early cultures
• Ancient myths in regions around the globe at and


Week 1 Discussion Option B
“Writing and Record Keeping in Mesopotamia” Please respond to the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response:
• Describe the “envelope”, the seal, and the early Mesopotamian writing process, and discuss expectations of record-keeping. Identify the issue being kept “on file,” and comment on what this reveals about Mesopotamian society in 1500 BC and the primary ways it compares to modern society in these respects.
• Chapter 2 (pp. 34-43), early Mesopotamian writing; seal
• University of Chicago’s Oriental Institute: Tablet and envelope at; scroll down to the item called “Clay Tablet and Envelope”. Click on the color and black and white images and read the captions and information.

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