New supervisor training on performance evaluations abby | HRM 500 – Human Resource Management Foundations | Strayer University

Imagine you work as an HR professional for the company you selected in the first assignment in Week 3. The company has been having issues with their current performance evaluation process. Some of the issues include the data collection process, proper documentation, and making appropriate decisions on employee performance. Your manager has asked you to evaluate and update their current performance evaluation process and present it as a training module to a group of new supervisors in your organization. Apply the revised or improved evaluation process to the specific job you created in the Week 3 assignment. Note that your manager has asked you to present the new process in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. 


Based on what you know about performance evaluations, use the Strayer Library or the Internet to research and select a performance evaluation tool that you believe is best suited for your company. Create a PowerPoint presentation with speaker’s notes to present this new tool to new supervisors. In your presentation: 

  1. Explain the benefits of using performance evaluations.
  2. Assess the existing performance evaluation used in the organization.
  3. Create a sample of the performance evaluation tool you selected for your company.
  4. Justify the selection of the performance evaluation tool.
  5. Develop a detailed, step-by-step description of the evaluation process.

The PowerPoint presentation should be a minimum of 10 slides and their corresponding speaker’s notes, in addition to a title slide and references slide. Include graphics as needed to improve, enhance, or clarify the content.

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