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I think either child or elder abuse is a horrible situation. It  outrages many people and should. We need to care for those that need  us the most not exploit or neglect them. I just read and article from  the New Yorker that absolutely shocked me. I have included it below.  It might be too long for everyone to read but just take a look a the  first few paragraphs. I can see this happening easily and I think it  is a for of elder abuse and it appears to be legal!!!

There are several reported cases of child and elder abuse within different families. However, some of the victims remain silent about the abuses and fail to report the same. The abuses make the elderly and the children live in agony and pain for a very long time. But for a trained caregiver, it is possible to identify and tell that the elderly or children are being abused based on certain characteristics. Such characteristics include unexplained signs of injuries or bruises on the body, refusal by family members to allow you to see them, signs of being restrained such rope marks on the wrist or legs and dislocation (Berkowitz, 2017).

In some cases, injuries have been inflicted on the children or the elderly to stop them from asking for help from their family members. Elsewhere, some family members would refuse caregivers from seeing the victims for fear of them telling the truth about the violence. Moreover, some victims have had signs of restraints exhibited on their limbs or wrists preventing them from moving to other places.

There are laid down procedures for reporting such harassments against the elderly and the children in the family. Such steps include calling for help from the government agencies concerned so that they can intervene. Moreover, one is required to provide a report to the authorities about elder abuse detailing the suspicion (Cassidy, Oyedele, Mickle, Guenther & Budman, 2017). Equally, after the report has been made to the relevant authority, wait for the next action which may include the agencies conducting an investigation into the matter.

In summary, there are several reported cases of child and elder abuse within different families. However, some of the victims remain silent about the abuses and fail to report the same. Some of the characteristics of abuse include injuries inflicted on the children and the elderly, refusal by family members to allow caregivers to see the victims and signs of restraints on the wrist.

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