Reply 1 and 2 by today at 6pm

Reply 1

There is a gap in the early identification and treatment of potential pregnancy complications in women in the United States that could potentially prevent severe maternal morbidity or mortality.

Research Question

 When women receive early and targeted prenatal care as opposed to standard self-driven prenatal care, does the number of women with severe maternal morbidity decrease over the duration of 40 weeks?

Sampling Plan

 For this research, the sampling method used will be a simple random sampling.  The goal is to have a sample size of 100 subjects.  To select the sample, volunteers for the study will provide information and consent.  The submissions will be reviewed for approval based on inclusion criteria.  The names of those that meet criteria will be placed in a computerized system that will randomly populate two evenly distributed groups:  the control group and the test group (Gray et al., 2017).  This random selection method is typically a strong representation of the general target population, and the results can be generalized to pregnant women between the ages of 18-35.

Research Design

            The design for this research is the pretest-posttest control group design.  This is also known as the experimental design.  With this type of research, subjects are randomly assigned to either a control or treatment group and the dependent variable is measured.  Intervention is only applied to the treatment group, and then the dependent variable is measured again in both groups.  In the case of this research, the control group will receive standard, self-driven prenatal care while the test group will receive early and targeted prenatal care.


Gray, J. R., Grove, S. K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns & Groves the practice of nursing research: appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). Elsevier.

Reply 2

Forty primary schools will be involved to collect sufficient data on childhood obesity. Children aged five and under will be considered. They will come from various social, economic, and cultural backgrounds. Primary schools located near the university will be considered for this research study to facilitate movement between schools. The children’s parents will be required to sign a consent form authorizing their children to participate in the research study. The researcher will conduct a site visit to the research setting, including all forty schools, and seek permission from the primary school administration to conduct research at the selected schools. Participants and their parents will be contacted via mobile phones, consent letters, invitation letters, and group messages. Three hundred children will be randomly selected from each of the selected schools. The research study will employ a randomized controlled cluster, with schools forming the first cluster and parents and pupils forming the second. The expected results table will include information about the child’s BMI, social status, gender, and ethnic origin.

It is really convenient to use sampling strategy that will be used. This is because the researcher will concentrate on schools located near the university to minimize travel time between schools. The timely sampling method will also be used to select the students, as the participants will be the only students available at the schools during the research participants’ selection. The research study will collect physical, anthropometric, and psychological data. This data will aid in determining the primary causes of childhood obesity in the selected geographical area to develop interventions that are tailored to the participants’ health needs. To help in the management of childhood obesity, participants will be placed on a controlled quality and quantity of meals they consume each day to maintain quality. Nonetheless, the frequency and amount of meals will be reduced (Srivathsal et al., 2020).

A quantitative-experimental research strategy will be used in this study. The rationale for this is that participants will be divided into two groups, one of which will consume regulated meals and the other will lose weight through regular physical activity. Almost every quantitative study has a theoretical foundation. The experimental design includes random sampling. Random sampling is a technique for increasing the external validity of data (Gray et al., 2017). Three characteristics define an experimental study. Manipulation of at least one treatment-independent variable under strict control, therapy administration to a subset of participants in the experimental group, and random selection of subjects. 


Gray, J. K., Grove, S. K., & Sutherland, S. K., (2017). Burns and Groves the practice of nursing research: appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, Inc.

Srivathsal, Y., Burkhart, K., & Knox, M. (2020). Promoting healthy weight and managing childhood and adolescent obesity using evidence-based methods. Clinician’s Toolkit for Children’s Behavioral Health, 57-76.

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