Social readjustment | Psychology homework help

Complete the “Social Readjustment Rating Scale” and determine your personal number of points.

Complete “Stress, Disease, and Pain Scale” and determine your personal number of points.

Compose an essay of 500-750 words in which you analyze the results and critique each scale. Consider the following in your answer:

1. Does the total stress score from both scales adequately reflect what you believe to be your personal level of stress? Please explain.

2. Explain if other issues should be included/omitted in the scales?

3. Explain if the weighting scheme of the scales would apply equally to people of all social strata, all cultural backgrounds, and all age groups.

4. How might health-related theories be applied to reduce stress in those individuals with a high score on either or both scales?

Refer to the GCU Library for researching this assignment as necessary.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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