3-5 paragraph on music article


Read Farzaneh Hemmasi’s chapter, “Iranian Popular Music in Los Angeles” (in Muslim Rap, Halal Soaps and Revolutionary Theater, 2011), and listen to Hassan Shamaeizadeh Be To Che,” Andy “Areh, Areh,” Khorshid Khanoom – “Silhouettt” and “Ebi,” and Googoosh, “Ay Mardom Mordam.”

In your 3 to 5 paragraph (minimum 12 sentence) response, answer the following questions:

  1. Choose one of the assigned listening songs. What do you find the most interesting in what Dr. Hemmasi writes about the song/artist you chose? Quote or paraphrase her. What do you hear when you listen? Describe what stands out to you, using music vocabulary words. 
  2. Select a popular song from your own listening that addresses diaspora, immigration, or migration. At least one of the locations referenced by the artist should be outside of the United States. If you don’t know a song that works, you can use one of the examples from an Iranian artist in the Niknafs or Hemmasi readings.
  • Who is the artist, where are their locations involved, and how does the artist(s) tell their story of movement?
  • What specifically made you want to write about this song? (Either, what do you like about this song, or why do you find it interesting)
  • What do you think we can learn from listening to this song about diaspora, immigration, or migration?

link to songs:

Be To Che – Hassan Shamaeizadeh – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMbdN543sIM

Areh, Areh – Andy – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0E0V2hTQK0 (also on Spotify)

Khorshid Khanoom – Silhouettt – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHFGBxdsnhQ

Khorshid Khanoom – Ebi – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwtAVnSSA7M

Ay Mardom Mordam – Googoosh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYBB6u7ZHOQ

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