Cultural differences and ethical standards

Your Module 3 readings explained that understanding cultural differences are critical to success in international business. A country’s culture reflects and shapes its values, and each country adopts laws that reflect their prevailing ethical standards.


Consider the following scenario:


To assist the sale of your products in a particular foreign market, you are advised to pay a 10 percent commission to a go-between who has access to high-ranking government officials in that market. You suspect, but do not know, that the go-between will split the commission with the government officials who decide which goods to buy.


Use your module readings, and the Internet to research the importance of understanding cultural differences in global business. Then, respond to the following:

  • Should you pay the 10 percent commission? Justify your response.
  • Does it make a difference if your competitors routinely pay such commissions? Explain why this may or may not have an impact on your decision.
  • Do you think there should be more or fewer attempt to regulate international ethics? Why? Justify your answer using the research you have done in preparation for this assignment.

Write your initial response in 300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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