English 111 – week 8
1) Read and annotate: Mike Rose’s “The Politics of Remediation” Chapter 14 in the book and/or using this digital copy to insert comments into isn’t quite the same section as the one in the book): The Politics of Remediation (This is a shortened version of what is in Chapter 14).
Read more about Mike Rose’s philosophy, check out his blog or Chapter 15 in the book. I saw in Discussion Forum 1 that you were reading about the authors that you are using—keep that up! Also, explain a bit about them in your papers (I did not see much of this in the Mini-synthesis rough drafts). It is good to get to know the authors’ worldview and the context of their writings and you might find other issues/articles that you could use later on.
As you read: Notice how Rose writes about individual student problems in the opening pages, then later how he writes about five overlapping problems that he set up with the student stories. Look for and try to determine the five overlapping problems. Also, think about what Rose might have left out—looking for a gap or something the authors left out is a way to “move… toward some standard of critical analysis” which Barry Alford, who you will hear from later, values (Alford 116). This is also your way of joining the conversation.
In your annotations: look for learning problems that hinder the students he talks about. Try to focus on learning and the issues of the students, not just on the educational system or what is wrong with it, ok? Some of the problems are because of it, but in later writing we are studying people, not the system, which will be fun for those of you in psychology (we have a lot this semester) and could also be a way to analyze your own thinking issues.
As you read, try to make connections to your own experience, interact with Rose’s ideas, ask questions, learn something new, look things up etc.
This article is an excerpt out of a book, so once in a while Rose will bring up a character that you might not remember. Keep that in mind. This article is quite long, so try to get through it a little at a time. Remember, you do not have to remember everything you read!
Students put such pressures on themselves and do not forgive themselves for not meeting expectations. Authors Bartholomae and Petrosky remind us that “The desire to remember everything is not only obsessive, if achieved it would be madness” (17). I love this line!
From: Bartholomae, D. & Petrosky, A. Selections from Facts, Artifacts, and Counterfacts.
Portsmouth: Boynton/Cook, 1986.
Annotate the whole article (sometimes students do a lot of annotation in the early pages then fizzle out). Hint, his ending is important!
DF Midterm Instructions
Submit at least 4 pages of your annotations:
You will annotate either using Word or some other option of your choice and turn in at least four pages of your annotations. You can certainly turn the whole thing in, since I love to see/hear your thoughts and comments. Hint, submitting the last page is a good idea since I will see that you got to it!
Discussion Forum
Part 1
- Explain what you think Mike Rose determines as five overlapping problems with learning that students have. Support why you think these are the five.
Explain these problems
Include quotes /paraphrases from Rose to support your ideas.
Cite quotes and paraphrases using MLA in-text citations. See: The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL). Or the MMC Writing Center
- Post your annotations on the Rose article this week. See above for how to do this.
When replying to others—two (or more) replies as usual—notice how there are differences in what people determined the problems to be and try to figure out why there are differences. Comment on the differences.
Part 2: add a short paragraph on another overlapping problem with learning that you think Rose does not talk about which affects many students (not specific brain based problems like learning disabilities or ADD etc.). Or, critique a point he makes. Pointing out something that an author left out is a way to show critical reading.
Part 3: comment on one rhetorical appeal Rose used. Include examples (cite them!). Review Week 2 if needed.
Reply to others (comment on content, MLA citations, ask questions etc.)