Online course for english 102
English 102 (ENGL 102 ONL) Western World Literature: Online
Summer 2015
3 credit hour
Course Description: This course is an introduction to the ideas and literary works that have shaped Western civilization. The student writes multiple assignments, some of which include research, and receives instruction in library research, in documentation of sources, and in the organization, revision, and preparation of a final draft.
Required Texts and Resources:
Pike, David L., and Ana M. Acosta Literature: A World of Writing: Stories, Poems, Plays and Essays, Second Edition, 2014
MyLiteratureLab Access Code
Wilson, August. The Piano Lesson
The Piano Lesson Video: Available through Netflix or
Course Objectives
· To introduce the heritage of Western World Literature and help students recognize literature as a reflection of the social, religious, and political events of the time.
· To improve reading and analytical skills generally and promote enjoyment of literature.
· To improve writing skills and continue the work begun in English 101 on writing effectiveness through written responses, journals, and formal papers. Writing effectiveness includes improving students’ use of language so that they can handle complex ideas, improving mechanics, reinforcing the techniques of research writing covered in English 101. Generally speaking, English 102 should afford students the opportunity to practice their writing skills.
· To actively engage students in the ideas in Western World Literature and in their relevancy to their lives.
· To encourage students to analyze what they read, specifically to make literary-critical evaluations, including those about genre and form.
· To introduce students to the library’s wealth of information on authors, their times, and their works.
This course satisfies the following UIndy Learning Goal:
Critical Thinking – by challenging students to make judgments through the application of intellectual criteria
Class assignments will be submitted through MyLiteratureLab. If an assignment is turned in late, one full letter grade will be deducted for each delinquent calendar day, unless prior arrangements have been made. If an assignment is turned in after five calendar days, a zero will be recorded for the assignment. It is your responsibility to make sure that your work has been successfully submitted to MyLiteratureLab. Always save your work and check to make sure your assignment has been submitted properly.
Reader Reflections
Students will write ten (10) Reader Reflections for the semester. Reader Reflections should be at least 250 words in length and submitted to MyLiteratureLab.
Generally, a reader reflection is an informal response to a reading assignment–your reactions to what you have read. You may respond to a character, an idea, or the language the author has used. Perhaps what you have read will remind you of something that has happened to you or someone you know. Maybe the work makes you think of some issue in society today. Or, sometimes you will be asked to respond to a specific question. Although there are no right or wrong answers, the quality/effort of each response will be evaluated.
Each Reader Reflection will be worth a maximum of 15 points. The Reader Reflection Rubric is found in MLL under Communication Tools>Document Sharing.
Reader Reflection assignments will be posted in MyLiteratureLab and on the Course Outline/Syllabus. Reader Reflections must be submitted by the due date posted on MyLiteratureLab to be eligible for full points.
Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism and cheating are contrary to the ideal of academic integrity and are not tolerated. Plagiarism is defined as presenting the work of someone else as one’s own. Cheating is defined as dishonesty of any kind is connection with assignments or examinations; it applies to both giving and receiving unauthorized help. Students guilty of plagiarism or cheating are subject to disciplinary action that may include failure in the course involved or expulsion from the university. The disciplinary action is dependent upon the judgment of the instructor and the provost.
University Academic Handbook
Obviously, the University takes the issue of plagiarism quite seriously. In English 102, assignments necessitating the use of secondary sources are required elements of the course. Safeguards against plagiarism are built into these assignments by the instructor; however, if there is ever any question regarding how to cite and incorporate secondary sources into a paper, please seek assistance. Unintentional use of another’s work is still plagiarism.
Academic Integrity and Academic Misconduct: The students, faculty, and administrators of the University commit themselves to the highest level of ethical conduct in academic affairs. The University , therefore, adopts regulations concerning Academic Misconduct to safeguard the academic integrity of the institution. Academic Misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following circumstances: (A) cheating, (B) Fabrication, (C) Plagiarism, (D) Interference, (E), Violation of Course Rules, (F) Facilitating Academic Dishonesty, and (G) Abuse of Confidentiality. For a full statement of the policy refer to The University Student Handbook, Section I, Academic Information.
Students with Disabilities:
If you have a disability that may have some impact on your work in this class and for which you may require accommodations, please inform me immediately so that your learning needs may be appropriately met. Students with a disability must register with the Services for Students with Disabilities office (SSD) in Schwitzer Center 206 (317-788-6153 / for disability verification and for determination of reasonable academic accommodations. You are responsible for initiating arrangements for accommodations for tests and other assignments in collaboration with the SSD and the faculty.
· Tests: 2 @ 100 points each
· Summary Assignment: 25 points
· Journals: 10 @ 20 points each
· Essay Checkpoints: 110 points
· Research Essay 125 points
Grading Scale
100-95 A 75-73 C
94-90 A- 72-70 C-
89-86 B 69-66 D+
85-83 B 65-63 D
82-80 B- 62-60 D-
79-76 C+ 59- F
English 102 Western World Literature and Composition
Course Outline
This course will consist of 7 modules covering the following topics and literary works:
Week /Module 1 June 29-July 5, 2015: Introduction to Literature
1. Welcome to English 102
2. What Is Literature?
3. The Elements of Fiction: A Brief Overview
· What Is Fiction, pp. 127-133
The following videos are available in MyLiteratureLab (MLL) under “Course Home>Literary Works>Multimedia Library
(Please refer to the Week 1 Announcement for complete instructions for accessing these resources.)
o Point of View
o Character
o Setting
o Tone and Style
o Theme
o Symbol
4. Critical Reading and Writing
· “Reading for What Does Not Make Sense,” and “Strategies for Reading Critically,” pp. 11-12
5. Alice Walker, “The Flowers” (See Course Tools>Document Sharing on MLL)
6. Reader Reflection 1: What is Literature? In your own words, reflect on your understanding of literature. What, exactly, is literature, and why is it in important to study literature?
Reader Reflection 2: Write a Reader Reflection on Alice Walker’s “The Flowers.” Please refer to the Reader Reflection Rubric under Course Tools>Document Sharing in MLL.
7. The Summary: Dos and Don’ts
· “Working with Clarity in Nonliterary Writing: The Summary,” pp. 19-22
8. Summary Assignment: Write a summary of “The Flowers,” by Alice Walker.
Week /Module 2 July 6-July 12, 2015: Reading and Writing about Families
1. Ch. 8, “The World Closest to Us: Me and You,” p. 234 and “Families,” p. 236 (top)
2. Jonathan Safran Foer, “A Primer for the Punctuation of Heart Disease,” pp. 267-271
3. Reader Reflection 3: Does Foer’s unconventional use of symbols enhance or detract from his message?
4. Flannery O’Connor, “A Good Man Is Hard to Find,” pp. 243-250
· Longman Lecture
5. Alice Walker, “Everyday Use,” pp. 271-276
· Longman Lecture
6. Reader Reflection 4: Write a response to either “A Good Man Is Hard to Find,” or “Everyday Use.”
7. The Elements of Poetry
· MyLiteratureLab Resources
8. Robert Hayden, “Those Winter Sundays,” p. 278
9. Theodore Roethke, “My Papa’s Waltz” (See Course Tools>Document Sharing on MLL)
· Longman Lecture
10. Edna St. Vincent Millay “The Courage That My Mother Had” ” (See Course Tools>Document Sharing on MLL)
11. Scott Russell Sanders, “Buckeye,” pp. 340-344 (non-fiction)
12. Reader Reflection 5: How does one’s family background influence one’s interpretation of a poem?
Week /Module 3 July 13-July 19, 2015: Reading and Writing about Childhood and Adolescence
“Children and Adolescents,” p. 348
1. Julia Alvarez, “Snow” and “Peanuts” (cartoon), pp. 134-135
2. Gary Soto, “Behind Grandma’s House,” p. 367
3. Toni Cade Bambara, “The Lesson,” pp. 634-638
· Longman Lecture
4. Reader Reflection 6: Bambara’s characters use rather coarse language throughout the story. Why do you think Bambara uses this characterization technique? How would the story be different if the language was “cleaner?”
5. T. Coraghessen Boyle, “Greasy Lake,” pp. 660-665
6. Reader Reflection 7: Write a Reader Reflection for “Greasy Lake.”
7. John Updike, “A & P,” pp. 356-360
· Interactive Reading
8. Langston Hughes, “Theme for English B,” p. 642 and “Salvation,” pp.368-370 (non-fiction)
9. Essay Test 1: Due at the End of Week 3
Week/Module 4 July 20-July 26, 2015: Drama
1. “What Is a Play,” p. 161
2. August Wilson, The Piano Lesson
3. Reader Reflection 8: Reader Reflection I for The Piano Lesson (See Course Tools>Document Sharing on MLL for a list of possible discussion questions that may be helpful for you.)
4. Research Essay Assignment
5. Literature Databases
6. Essay Test 2: Due at the end of Week 4
Week /Module 5 July 27-August 2, 2015: Reading and Writing about Love
1. Research Checkpoint 1: Tentative Thesis Statement Is Due on Tuesday, July 30, 2015 (10 points). This assignment will be returned to you by Wednesday, July 30, 2015.
2. Reader Reflection 9: Reader Reflection II for The Piano Lesson
4. Research Checkpoint 2: Annotated Bibliography (75 points)
5. Research Checkpoint 3: Essay Plan (25 points)
Week/Module 6 August 3-9, 2015: Putting It All Together
1. Peer Review, Research Essay
2. Revised Draft for Instructor Review
Week/Module 7 August 10-16, 2015: The Final Product
1. Revision, Research Essay
2. Reflection 10: Your 102 Online Experience
3. Research Essay Du