Homework Help
Paperem | Information Systems homework help
There millions of websites – 2 or more students should not have the same website “choose wisely”
This hands-on guide demonstrates how to conduct “Footprinting of a network” The best way to ensure your infrastructure is secure is to understand the steps an intruder may use to footprint a recon a network.
This exercise is exploratory (no right or wrong answer)
- What is Footprinting and is it important?
- What are DNS Records and why are they needed?
Find any website and check the DNS records
2. Go to dnschecker.org
- Go through the text records (A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, PTR, SRV, SOA, TXT, CAA) In a word document copy and paste the information (Blue Text) of all the Text Record information.
3. Conclusion, what was interesting or stood out to you after checking the DNS records?
- Minimum 2 pages
- Must be in APA