Behs 210 week 7 post response help 2 | BEHS210 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL SCIENCE | University of Maryland Baltimore


BEHS210 Week 7 Discussion RESPONSE 2


Ahkia Walker posted Dec 3, 2023 05:56




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The Stanford Prison Experiment was conducted in 1971 by psychologist Philip Zimbardo to study the effects of social roles and power dynamics on human behavior. Participants were students randomly assigned to be either prisoners or guards in a simulated prison environment. Although the experiment was supposed to run for 14 days, it was cut short due to the negative impacts on the participants.

According to the APA code of ethics, psychologists conducting research must obtain the informed consent of the participants in a language that they understand. The main ethical problems in the Stanford Prison Experiment were denying participants their rights to informed consent, the ability to withdraw, and protection from physical and psychological harm.

Researchers could have various steps to better protect the participants of the Stanford Prison Experiment. For example, they could have made sure that they thoroughly explained the experiment to all the students to include the nature of the experiment, risks associated with it and their rights as participants. Participants should have been able to withdraw at any time during the experiment if they felt uncomfortable and controls should have been put in place to avoid harm coming to any of the participants. Overall, this experiment had many ethical issues that should have never been allowed and shows the importance of researchers conducting studies that follow the code of ethics to contribute to the field of science that they are researching but also protect the rights of those participating. ‘

YouTube Originals. (2019, December 19). The Stanford Prison experiment [Video]. YouTube.

American Psychological Association. (2017, March). “Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.”

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