Discovery and recommendation | Accounting homework help
This assignment will give you the opportunity to conduct a full financial
planning engagement with a client, including the pre-discovery, discovery,
analysis, and recommendations phase of the financial planning process. It
will require you to draw on your learning from all your courses, including
what you what learned in FIP509, about how to conduct effective and
efficient meetings with clients.
Client Scenario
Your group works as financial planners in the financial planning division of a
bank. You can choose the name and color scheme of your bank. A personal
banker (named Franklin) at your institution recently called one of the bank’s
clients, Jack Ryan, to discuss the opportunity for him to meet the financial
planning team. The client agreed and your team has received a referral from
the personal banker, along with the information the bank has on file about
Jack Ryan (see Exhibit 1). This information includes the assets and liabilities
that the client currently has at the bank.
Your role is to engage the client in the financial planning process.
Your ability to engage the client in the financial planning process will be
evaluated on your ability to engage the client in effective and efficient ways
to complete the pre-discovery, discovery and recommendations action
required to motivate the client to move forward with your recommended
Component on First Part of Assignment
Pre-Discovery and Discovery
• Pre-Discovery Activities
• Introduction to Meeting Activities
• Learning About the Client
• Financial Management, Retirement Planning, Education Planning,
Investment Planning, Risk Management, and Estate Planning Discovery
• Meeting Closing Activities
Sub-Total 55
Grade Deductions:
Marks may be deducted for communication related issues, including formatting
issues on any presentation slides.
Total Score on First Part of Assignment
Component on Second Part of Assignment
• Introduction to Meeting Activities
• Goals Recap
• Current situation
• Recommendations
• Meeting Closing Activities
Client Experience
• Overall Client Experience and Motivation to Proceed 5
Sub-Total 45
Grade Deductions:
Marks may be deducted for communication related issues, including formatting
issues on any presentation slides.
Total Score on Second Part of Assignment
The total score on the two portions of the assignment (100 marks) will be weighted as
40% of your final grade.
Exhibit 1 – Jack Ryan’s Profile at Your Bank
Client Name: Jack Ryan Date of Birth: February 29, 1988
Telephone: 555-123-4567
Address: 2585 King Road
King City, ON
L7B 1A1
At Address
May 1, 2020
Employer: Four Season Hotels Occupation: Human Resources Director
60 Yorkville Avenue
Toronto, ON
M4S 0A4
In Job Since: September 21, 2018
Chequing account $10,205 Unsecured Line of Credit $22,539
Savings account $145,823 (Credit limit) $30.000
RRSP $198,682 Credit Card $4,723
TFSA $12,072 (Credit Limit) $10,000