Health informatics final project 1800 words essay and power point on

  All work must be original 

Part one 

Health topic in health informatics –  integrated health records system.

200 words- Provide a detailed history of health integrated technology systems. 

200 words- What support does this system have?

200 words- Any evaluation that has been carried out regarding integrated health records system. 

200 words- Full assessment of integrated health records system and its importance. 

200 words- What impact does integrated hospital records system have on healthcare and client outcome?

200 words – How can nurses and physicians use this system to improve care for clients? 

200 words- Future direction of integrated health systems.

200 words- Provide details of at least 3 different example of integrated health records systems. 

200 words- Research an evidence-based practice that related integrated health records system what does this article show? 

Paper must be in APA 7th edition format. At least 10 reference must be included as well as the attached textbook. 

Part two power point

Construct a power point presentation about integrated health records system. PowerPoint should be in short bullet points and pictures must be included. 

Slide 1- Introduction/ overview of integrated health records system.

Slide 2- History of integrated health records system.

Slide 3- What support does the systems have? Provide example.

Slide 4- Any evaluations that have been conducted regarding integrated health records system. 

Slide 5- What impact does integrated hospital records system have on healthcare and client outcome.

Slide 6- How can nurses and physicians use this system to improve care for clients?

Slide 7- Future direction of integrated health systems.

Slide 8- 3 different example of integrated health records systems.

Slide 9- Research an evidence-based practice that related integrated health records system what does this article show?

PowerPoint must have a title and reference page. 

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