Hr project management final team presentation | HRM 517 | Strayer University–Augusta

HELP © 2012-2019 Terms of Use Do not submit copies or modifications of this template to any website or online template gallery. Please review the following license agreement to learn how you may or may not use this template. Thank you. See License Agreement Instructions / Tips In this worksheet, the Budget amount is calculated from the Labor, Materials, and Fixed Costs columns. After defining your budget, you can hide these columns, or you could hide just the unused columns. When adding new rows, copy an existing row and insert the copied row, so that the formulas in the grey WBS, Budget, and Under(Over) columns are copied. You can also copy a row from the list of template rows at the bottom of the worksheet. Each WBS level in column A (1, 1.1, 1.1.1, etc.) uses a different formula. To change the WBS level for a task, you can copy and paste the cell containing the formula that you need from the list of template rows at the bottom of the worksheet. The indent for the Task column can be changed via cell formatting. The Level 1 categories contain SUM() formulas in the Budget and Actual columns that should be verified for accuracy after inserting new rows. Check these formulas to ensure that the SUM() formula is referencing the correct range of cells. Any time you add or remove a Level 1 category, you will need to update the formulas for the Total section at the top of the worksheet, to make sure that the Total correctly sums the correct cells. After adding new categories, you may need to redefine the print area to include the new rows. In Excel 2003, go to File > Print Area > Set Print Area. In Excel 2010 go to Page Layout > Print Area > Set Print Area. If you see “#####” in a cell, it means you need to widen the column to see the value.
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