Human resource management assignment: suicide prevention fact sheet


Assignment overview—What Is a Fact Sheet?

Fact sheets are short reports that present information in a readable and interesting format. They enable scientists and researchers to concisely summarize the results of research, so it is shareable with the public or other professionals. However, be aware that Fact Sheets are more than just random lists of words or numbers. A useful Fact Sheet has a clear organization and structure. It names the issue at hand, discusses relevance, gives data (usually numerical or statistical), describes interventions and makes recommendations. Because Fact Sheets summarize data in a report format, they must provide accurate citations and references for the sources. An example of a Fact Sheets is provided by the Child Welfare Information Gateway on Child Abuse and Neglect FatalitiesLinks to an external site. (you will need Adobe Acrobat ReaderLinks to an external site. to access this file) and the Fact Sheet provided on Suicide PreventionLinks to an external site. from SAMHSA. If those links don’t work for you:

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