Intellij idea java | Information Systems homework help


### IntelliJ IDEA ###

### Eclipse ###

### NetBeans ###

### VS Code ###

### Mac OS ###


Week 6’s assignment builds upon assignment #2 (so you will need IntelliJ IDEA to complete).

In this week’s assignment, you will make change to week 2’s project

1) you will create a new class called Employee (see week 4’s reading)

public class Employee


private int empNum;


2) inside Employee…you will create mutator and accessor methods

public void setEmpNum (int emp)


empNum = emp;


public int getEmpNum()


return empNum + 1;


3) in the Main class – you will instantiate the Employee class by creating a constructor and passes in a number

Employee someEmployee = new Employee();

someEmployee.setEmpNum( passes in a number);

4) in the Main class – get the number back and print it out w/ your name

// get the number back and print it with your name

System.out.println(‘Hello, my name is **put your name**  and my employee number is: ” + someEmployee.getEmpNum());

Zip the helloworld folder (same as in assignment #1) and submit

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