Pnl w2 peers responses | Nursing homework help
Prof. Nursing Leadership week 2 peers response
Respond to your peer in one paragraph. These posts should be thoughtful, respectful, and add value to the discussion. This response could include relating your experience to whatever they initially posted. Use a different scholarly source, reference it using APA format, and include in-text citations when using the referenced material in your post.
posts must contain resources for support and rationale. All sources must be correctly cited in-text, in the body of your post, and listed at the end in a correctly formatted reference entry following APA 7th edition format. The initial response needs to be through and discuss all areas of the prompt. The first two peer responses must contain, at a minimum, 4-5 sentences in each and provide an engaging response that furthers the discussion. Simply stating that one “agrees” with another is not substantial. Response posts must add to learning, increase knowledge, and provide additional content that enhances our learning and drives the discussion forward. Questions are a great way to engage your peers. APA 7th edition format must be followed. APA 7th edition format is required. If you are struggling with APA, please review the following APA information.
In your peer responses this week, discuss the following:
· Reflect upon the community partnerships identified by your peer.
· Provide one additional recommendation of a community partnership initiative that can be enacted by a healthcare organization to address disparities related to social determinants of health.
· Discuss how these efforts can contribute to quality, cost-effective healthcare.
1st peer post:
Taylor Overcash
Mar 11, 2024 at 6:19 PM
NSG 4320 Week 2 Discussion Post
Discuss how economic, environmental, social, and demographic factors contribute to the evolution of healthcare organizations located within communities that have vulnerable populations.
The evolution of healthcare organizations within communities with vulnerable populations is deeply influenced by economic, environmental, social, and demographic factors. Economically, limited financial resources in vulnerable communities may hinder access to quality healthcare services, leading to resource challenges. Environmental factors, such as pollution or poor living conditions, can contribute to the prevalence of health issues among vulnerable populations. Social factors, including beliefs and educational level, impact healthcare-seeking behavior and approaches in healthcare delivery. “Large-scale disasters, like COVID-19, profoundly affect the health of socially vulnerable communities” (Karaye & Horney, 2020). Limited access to resources, including financial means and transportation, can hinder this population’s ability to seek medical care.
How are nurses and nurse leaders uniquely positioned to foster positive relationships between healthcare systems and local communities?
Due to their frontline position and holistic approach to patient care, nurses and nurse leaders play a pivotal role in fostering positive relationships between healthcare systems and local communities. As trusted healthcare professionals, nurses often serve as liaisons between institutions and community members, bridging communication gaps and ensuring that healthcare services align with the population’s needs. Nurse leaders can advocate for community-centered healthcare policies and initiatives, promoting inclusivity within the healthcare system.
Consider a healthcare organization within which you currently work or have previously worked.
Did that organization develop community partnerships that addressed the needs based on social determinants of health? If so, what were they? If not, what partnerships would you recommend?
My organization has developed some classes/events to address the needs of our community, including breastfeeding, weight loss, and cancer care. By offering breastfeeding classes, healthcare providers contribute to improving health outcomes, especially among socioeconomically disadvantaged groups. These classes can provide crucial information, debunk myths, and address barriers, ensuring all mothers have access to education and support for successful breastfeeding. Classes on weight loss include nutritional education and information on affordable and healthy food choices. These classes encourage physical activity and promote accessible exercise options for individuals with limited resources. Cancer care classes often provide information about available resources, including support networks. For individuals with limited support, these classes connect them with resources that can assist in coping with the emotional and practical challenges of cancer care.
Karaye, I. M., & Horney, J. A. (2020). The impact of social vulnerability on covid-19 in the u.s.: An analysis of spatially varying relationships.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine,
59(3), 317–325.
2nd peer post
Dwan Robinson
Mar 12, 2024 at 1:55 PM
Discuss how economic, environmental, social, and demographic factors contribute to the evolution of healthcare organizations located within communities that have vulnerable populations.
Economic factors like limited funding can hurt vulnerable populations’ access to essential healthcare services. It can also make it challenging to maintain infrastructure and staffing levels. Economic disparities can lead to limited access to health insurance coverage for vulnerable populations. Environmental factors can also affect the availability and accessibility of healthcare facilities and resources within the community. Unsafe living conditions and lack of access to healthy food can contribute to poor health outcomes in vulnerable communities. Various social factors, such as poverty, housing instability, and food insecurity, can significantly influence health outcomes within vulnerable communities. Building trust and partnership within the community is crucial for addressing health disparities and promoting health equity among vulnerable populations. Demographic factors such as age, race, and ethnicity can influence vulnerable populations’ healthcare needs and priorities. It also contributes to different health outcomes and access to care among vulnerable populations.
How are nurses and nurse leaders uniquely positioned to foster positive relationships between healthcare systems and local communities?
Nurses are well positioned to play a significant role in addressing the underlying causes of poor health by understanding and recognizing the wide range of factors that influence how well and long people live, helping to create individual- and community-targeted solutions, and facilitating and working with interdisciplinary and multisector teams and partners to implement those solutions (Flaubert et al., 2020). Nurses and nurse leaders advocate for patients, ensuring their voices and needs are heard. They are responsible for making informed decisions about the patient’s health and well-being. They also collect and analyze data on health needs and concerns, which can help identify areas of concern and interventions for patients. This information can be used to address and allocate resources effectively, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.
Consider a healthcare organization within which you currently work or have previously worked. Did that organization develop community partnerships that addressed the needs based on social determinants of health? If so, what were they? If not, what partnerships would you recommend?
I am unsure about developing a community partnership, but the company contributed to social determinants. At the organization where I used to work, we contributed to local food banks and community gardens to promote access to nutritious foods among the elderly population.
Flaubert, J.L., Le Menestrel, S., & Williams, D.R. (2020). The future of nursing 2020-2030: Charting a path to achieve health equity.
National Academies Press, 5.