Population health nursing project checkpoint 1


Population Health Assessment and Prevention project checkpoint 1

Assignment: Week 2 Checkpoint 1 Windshield Survey:

Identify a community to research and assess for the Population Health Assessment & Prevention Project due in Week 5.

The community that was selected is Palmetto States Miami Florida 33157.

Drive through your community on different occasions (day vs evening and weekday vs. weekend) to

observe and gather data. As you assess each area, consider the impact on the health of the community

and potential community needs (intervention). Answer the following free response questions related

to your survey. You will use this information as a starting point for completing Part 1 of the Population

Health Assessment & Prevention Project due in Week 5.

1. Identify your chosen community (name and zip code).

2. Describe the physical environment (Ex: safe sidewalks for walking; roads; green space;

type & quality of housing; any vacant, vandalized structures; environmental concerns like

contamination of air or water).

3. Explain the potential impact of the physical environment on health outcomes.

4. Describe where and when you observe groups of people congregating, their

behaviors. Describe the people.

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