Research discussion replies | Nursing homework help
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Use of Regression Analysis in Clinical Practice Discussion
The selected article utilizes linear regression to correlate nurse/physician demographic variables (DV) information with patient safety culture. DV, like age, job position, and gender, constituted the LR independent variable (Chi et al., 2017). Practitioners’ viewpoints on safety culture illustrated in the safety assessment questionnaire (SAQ) constituted the independent variables. This discussion analyzes the article, focusing on the following.
The purpose and goals of the research article
The article’s central purpose is to correlate practitioners’ demographic details with patient safety culture(PSC) perception. A young, inexperienced practitioner has a different PSC perception than an experienced practitioner. It helps healthcare organizations (HCOs) reinforce patient safety by remodeling the work environment to optimize positive safety sentiments. The article sought to actualize three goals.
· To explore variances in PSC perceptions nurtured by an interplay of variables. It establishes an inverse / direct correlation among some variables. For instance, junior practitioners can perceive a negative correlation between team climate and job position. They can feel that their safety concerns are not holistically considered due to their inexperience.
· Bolster patient safety by availing more practitioner insights. Comprehending practitioner viewpoints is as crucial as addressing systemic issues like technology and training to curb medication errors.
How is linear regression used in the study? What are the results of its
The article affirms the usage of a forward selection LR in the study. It implies that the article selected the most relevant variables for model inclusion. A forward selection utilizes pre-stated criteria in scrutinizing variables and integrating them on a contribution basis (Chowdhury & Turin, 2020). The pre-scrutiny minimizes errors and refines outcomes. The results illustrated that employees in supervisor / managerial positions had greater satisfaction with PSC. The outcome was unsurprising because managers’ foremost responsibility is molding a safety culture. Their viewpoints were positive as they correlated to job descriptions. Secondly, there is a negative correlation between experience and other variables like teamwork or safety climate (Chi et al., 2017). It implies that inexperienced practitioners have greater satisfaction than those with ample experience. The results postulated greater PSC perceptions among doctors than other practitioners.
What other statistical methods could address the research issue discussed in the article?
Other statistical approaches are factor analysis and MANOVA. They can be redeployed in exploring associations between PSC viewpoints and DV information that dominate the article. The factor analysis (FA) is particularly useful in trimming the variable amounts without diluting study objectives (Shrestha, 2021). The research has many independent/dependent variables that create overlapping interpretations. FA condenses these variables by merging related ones to refine interpretations. FA could reveal the clustering of variables and their input on patient safety. The clustering of DV, like greater experience, age, and high job position, suggests the merging of PSC attitudes. Another statistical alternative is MANOVA. It fits because the research data has numerous variables extracted from SAQ and demography. MANOVA is easy to run since you load the variable data into software like SPSS to expedite outcomes (Dugard et al., 2022). It affirms whether the discrepancies in multiple independent variables affect the demographic factors.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the study?
The article’s major strength is a rigorous data-based methodology leading to a refined conclusion. The grounding of the conclusions on data evidence makes them more scholarly and relevant. Weakness manifests in a limited sample size and non-consideration of other factors. Its data mainly comes from a Taiwanese Hospital. It isn’t easy to extrapolate the conclusions to hospitals due to non-representativeness. A solution is using more representative sample data for future studies. The study did not explore other factors that shape PSC, like training or technology. The weakness is justifiable because the study was highly targeted. It couldn’t accommodate all the variables
Use of Regression Analysis in Clinical Practice
The article ‘Use of Electronic Health Records and Standardized Terminologies: A Nationwide Survey of Nursing Staff Experiences’ is co-written by Kim De Groot, Anke J.E. De Veer, Wolter Paans, and Anneke L. Francke. The text was published online in 2020 and presented a study examining Dutch nurses’ experiences working with various electronic health records that consisted of standardized terms. The APA reference for the article is De Groot, K., De Veer, A. J., Paans, W., & Francke, A. L. (2020). Use of electronic health records and standardized terminologies: a nationwide survey of nursing staff experiences. International journal of nursing studies, 104, 103523. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2020.103523 while the citation is De Groot et al., 2020.
The Goals and purposes
The following were the research study’s objectives: The first reason was to look into the common words used by nurses. The second reason for the study was to figure out how much help Dutch nurses thought they got from digital health records when giving care. The third aim was to check if the amount nurses felt helped by computer health records linked with how uniform terms they used in digital medical records. (De Groot et al., 2020) The paper also points out the three goals of the study. The first task was to learn the different words nurses use when writing down patient info in online health records (De Groot et al., 2020). The second aim was to look at what the nurses thought about help given by electronic health records during care giving. Lastly, the study wanted to show a connection between words in medical record notes and help given by nurses.
Significance of Linear regression
De Groot et al. (2020) investigate the future using a straightforward method known as linear regression. The study aims to determine how much support nurses believe they receive when using the EHR system and their use of specific standardized terms (De Groot et al., 2020). The important metric here is how well nurses are assisted when using the electronic patient record system. Nurses, on the other hand, employ standard terminology in EHR (Electronic Health Record). These are referred to as independent variables. The scientists gathered data using a technique known as linear regression. For example, they used it to learn more about how the EHR system helps nurses. The experts used it to collect information on how nurses dealt with some common words when they were using an electronic health record system (De Groot et al., 2020). Another application of linear regression in the study was to examine data and determine how dependent and independent variables were related. As a result, the math method assisted the investigator in determining how much support was felt with using a health record system as well as common words used.
The following are the results of using linear regression: The study technique assisted scientists in gathering information about the assistance that nurses received from using the electronic health record system. It also revealed the most frequently used words in this system (De Groot et al., 2020). So, the scientists found out that nurses who use normal words feel more help compared to those who do not. They found out their results using a method named linear regression. According to De Groot et al. (2020), there were no significant variations in the amount of support felt by the two groups of nurses. According to the numerical approach, home nurses are better supported by the digital health record system than hospital nurses. The difference was represented by p<0.05 after comparing the means of the two groups, which were 3.87 and 3.73, respectively (De Groot et al., 2020).
Other quantitative and statistical methods
Various quantitative and statistical methods would have qualified to answer the research questions in the study. In particular, descriptive statistics (mode, median, mean), a quantitative method, would have been used to summarize and identify the average value of the lengths in which nurses viewed the EHR system supported them in their work. Another statistical method that could be suitable for the study was the Chi-Square Test, which would investigate the relationship between the usage of particular standardized terms and variables such as education level and healthcare environment. Lastly, cluster analysis would have been a suitable statistical method that would help the researchers categorize various nursing groups in terms of responses concerning the support gained from using the the EHR system.
The study comprises various strengths, including the following. The first strength is that the research is relevant as the study touches on a crucial healthcare topic: understanding the support that the EHR system offers and the term nurses using the system. Collecting data and findings on this topic is beneficial as it helps improve how nurses document patient information and promote care and patient results. Another strength identified in the study is using a large representative sample where the researchers used a large sample of Dutch nurses (Vance et al., 2013). This strengthens the results because using a representative sample allows the generalization of findings in nursing. Another aspect that strengthens the article is the use of linear regression analysis as a statistical method. This enables the researchers to identify the relationships between variables, enhancing the findings’ credibility. Another identified strength in the study is the use of research questions, as it offers the study a direction. Besides, these research questions are particular and feasible.
One limitation of the study is that it depends on nurses’ responses. As such, there is a high chance of bias. This is because the nurses may offer statements that they view as acceptable in society instead of what they view, as such, decreasing the credibility of the results (Vance et al., 2013). Another limitation of the study is the limited generalization of results because the study used Dutch nurses alone. Therefore, it would be wrong to generalize the findings to nurses in other regions because their cultures or experiences in these regions may differ.
Some remedies to tackle these weaknesses include using direct observations of nurses using the EHR system, which would aid the researchers in eliminating response bias. Limited generalizability would be remedied if the researchers worked with other scholars in other regions who engage in such studies.
The study is critical because it contributes to improving EHRs in a way that serves nurses well. This is because it advocates for introducing user-friendly EHRs as the health information technology will enable nurses to be efficient and effective. Besides, this study is critical as it champions for the collaboration of software developers, government, healthcare organizations, nursing associations and nursing staff as this unity will help in improving the EHR system. For example, through unity, these shareholders can work towards an EHR system that comprises links amid the various stages of nursing care
Use of electronic health records and standardized terminologies: a nationwide survey of nursing staff experiences
The goal of the research study describe the use of electronic health records considering the standardised term that supports the nursing staff in maintaining the health records of patients. The article examines the association between support of electronic health records and the use of standardized terminologies. The purpose is to examine the impact of the terminology on the maintenance of nursing documentation through the use of electronic health records. The article identifies the potential areas for improvement making the use of electronic health records feasible while making changes and improvements in the design.
The study uses multiple linear regression to examine the association of electronic health records in supporting the documentation of patients. The study also analyses the specific standardized terminologies. The linear regression results highlight that there is no association between the use of electronic health records and the support to nursing staff. It could be further reflected based on analyzing the data that the standardized terminology does not directly influence the nursing staff and the support that they are expected to receive from Electronic health records (De Groot et al., 2022).
Logistic regression is one of the method in addressing the issues of the article. This method could be used if the outcome is achieved in binary form which means (feeling supported or not). The study could further use descriptive statistics to research on the standardized terminologies so that it could be used by nursing staff to feel supported by using electronic health records (George & Mallery, 2018).
The strength of the study is the large number of the sample who are appropriate representative and certified nursing assistants and the cross-sectional design that provides information on the current state as well as standardized terminologies. However, weakness identified is the dependence on self-reported data because the respondent may be socially biased which could result in varying responses and interpretations further making it challenging to understand the specific individual impact (De Groot et al., 2022).
The article by Chi et al., uses linear regression to explain and correlate demographic variables based on survey results from nurse/physicians with patient safety culture.
What are the goals and purposes of the research study that the article describes?
The purpose of the study is to “identify critical demographic variables from the viewpoints of physicians and nurses that significantly influence the patient safety culture” (Chi et al., 2017).
The main goal of the study was to improve the organizations current patient safety culture. The other goal of the study is to give management a clear vision on the organizations strengths and weaknesses by examining current state of patient safety culture in the organization.
How is linear or logistic regression used in the study? What are the results of its use?
In this study a forward selection linear regression was used to analyze the data set from a study taken by hospital staff in 2015(Chi et al., 2017). The study had 10 demographic variables as independent variables and the seven dimensions of the Chinese versions of the safety attitudes questionnaire were the dependent (Chi et al., 2017). The study found that based on the survey results from staff members in the hospital supervisors/managers, age and experience are the most critical variable affecting job satisfaction. Ultimately staff in management roles that are older and have more experience have the greatest effect on patient safety culture investigation (Chi et al., 2017). It was found that employees with more experience are less satisfied with their work. Physicians are less stressed than nurses and elderly nurses are more satisfied in their positions. A linear regression model couldn’t be established between the 10 demographic variables and emotional exhaustion while all other variables could have a linear correlation established.
What other quantitative and statistical methods could be used to address the research issue discussed in the article?
A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) could be used to address the issue within the article. A MANOVA in SPSS is used to determine “whether multiple levels of independent variables on their own or in combination with one another have an effect on dependent variables” (IBM, n.d.). This could evaluate how the 10 demographic factors affect patient safety outcomes based on survey results.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the study?
A strength of the study is the diverse demographic pool that took the surveys which will yield results from a variety of viewpoints based on age, sex, gender, experience etc.
A weakness of the study is survey results are self-reported so there could be bias or fear of retaliation. This could be addressed by making the surveys anonymous to ensure people are truthful in their responses with no fear of repercussions.
This study is important in terms of a patient safety culture and the factors that affect safety both positively and negatively. The results help provide management with data that will help with patient safety improvement initiatives while addressing staff concerns and results.