Business finance – operations management short writing assignment
This week we’re studying Path-Goal Theory and Leader Member Exchange Theory in Northouse. Use these lenses to assess the leadership (or lack thereof) by any character or characters in the two films, “The Caine Mutiny” and “Twelve O’Clock High.” For your initial post, pick an aspect of one or both movies–a scene, a relationship, an evolving situation, a contrast, etc–that illustrates a major aspect of one of these theories, either by demonstration or absence. Once a situation/scene is used in an initial post, no other initial post can use the same aspect or closely related one. Responses can comment on any initial response, as always. I expect responses to occasionally take issue with the initial posts–you may rightfully disagree with someone’s application of a theory to a situation.
So here’s an example.
“Initial post: I think General Savage’s use of the Leper Colony is a good example of the in-group/out-group concept under Leader Member Exchange Theory. When the General felt that some members of the Group weren’t living up to their responsibilities to the rest of the men, he relegated them to the Leper Colony, where they had to work their way back in to the in-group by going above and beyond.
Response: On the surface, I agree–you can’t argue that the Leper Colony was anything other than a group of outcasts–if that isn’t an out-group, then what is? But, closer examination of LMX theory reveals that in-groups and out-groups aren’t explicitly identified in an organizational context. Followers are in one group or the other based on their individual relationship with the leader over time, rather than assignment to a particular work unit.”
Now, this example is a more trivial discussion than I expect you to participate in–I simply wanted to illustrate the concept of the discussion board and that it is possible to have a healthy debate on a matter without being disagreeable. These theories are complex, and there is seldom a black or white situation. Being able to apply these theories is the objective, and everybody has a different take. Different takes can both be right–there are elements of both statements above that are arguably correct. So, the movies are rife with examples of both theories–I’m looking for your depth of understanding.
As an alternative to applying one or both of this week’s two Northouse theories in your initial post, you may choose to apply Maxwell’s Law of Connection, but you must still apply it to a situation/scene that has not been previously addressed by another initial post.