Response to disc 2 | Nursing homework help


We live in a busy environment and have a lot of stress but not everyone pays attention to how to deal with it. I know for a long time I had no idea what my feelings were and how to deal with high stress. I had so much anxiety and had no way out. I was stuck in a place where I did not think that someone would be able to help me. That was the time of 90ies in the former USSR where no one even heard about meditation, relaxation techniques, biofeedback, or hypnotic therapy. Years later one of my mom’s friends suggested that I try relaxation techniques and meditation. I honestly did not think any of it would help but I was willing to try. I felt that there is a connection between myself with my body and I was feeling good about myself. As I am reading from our textbook Micozzi describes meditation very well that it alleviates anxiety, fosters positive attitude, and improves immune response (Micozzi et al., 2019 p.92). I also read that HIV, cancer and other immunocompromise patients would have beneficial effects toward recovery with meditation. Since stress elimination would ease in recovery. As I was listening to the meditative relaxation video, I was also doing breathing exercises, my body was connected to me and the universe. I felt asleep and had a great night rest after not properly sleeping for 4 nights since the time change affects me in a negative way. 

I like what Micozzi said about biofeedback that it uses special instruments and methods to expand the body natural internal feedback system with adjust thinking the body will be able to control bodily processes such as blood pressure, temperature and GI function and brain wave activity (Micozzi et al., 2019 p.143). Also, hypnosis resembles other forms of relaxation. When hypnotherapist leads patients through relaxation, mental imagery, and suggestions. Patients can perform techniques on themselves in their home settings. It works by decreasing sympathetic nervous system activity, decreasing oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide elimination, lowering blood pressure and heart rate. It increases or decreases certain brain activity (Micozzi et al., 2019 p.142). 


Micozzi, M. S., Koop, C. E., Haramati, A., & Lundberg, G. D. (2019). Fundamentals of complementary, alternative, and Integrative Medicine (6th ed. p. 92, 142, 143). Elsevier.  

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