Organizational change initative | Information Systems homework help


You have determined that change is inevitable and subject to numerous variables attributing to the success or failure of the change process. This paper is an exploration of a change initiative that you have personally experienced or researched. The paper should demonstrate your knowledge of the change process through a comprehensive analysis and discussion of the following aspects of organizational change.

  • Identify a professional change initiative personally experienced or researched.
    • Describe the professional change initiative.
  • Discuss the change initiative as seen through the eyes of the leader and the follower.
  • Discuss the successes and failures experienced during the change event.
  • Analyze concepts and theories used to facilitate the change process.
  • Evaluate the change’s impact on the organization.
  • Discuss the change effort’s sustainability.
  • Analyze the impact of ethical thinking on the change process.

You must incorporate concepts and theories relating to the change process as they apply to each section of the paper.

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